Patch 1.04 pour Strategic War in Europe

14 septembre 2012 par Aymdef | Strategic War in Europe | Deuxième guerre mondiale | PC

Patch 1.04 pour Strategic War in Europe

Wastelands Interactive sorte une nouvelle mise à jour pour Strategic War in Europe, leur jeu de stratégie au tour par tour sur la seconde guerre mondiale, que nous avions testé il y a quelques semaines (voir notre test).

Ce patch se télécharge via le menu du jeu en lançant l'AutoUpdate ou bien directement en cliquant sur le lien qui suit :

Changelog 1.04 :

Bug Fixes :

  • Corrected lack of war between Soviet Union and Finland in 1943 and 1944 scenarios
  • Finland has been added to the Axis alliance in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944 scenarios
  • Fixed issues with creating new convoys
  • Corrected starting Action Points for air units in 1943 and 1944 scenarios
  • Corrected problems with distributing supplies within alliance

Gameplay :

  • Fleet movement points increased to 4 (from 2)
  • Increased basic chance to detect enemy ships to 50 (from 30)
  • Increased engagement chance to 50 (from 30)

Features :

  • Implemented possibility to disable following functions in scenario: research, purchase, changing of unit type, leveling units; all available within info.infi file in scenario folder
  • New option in the preferences window to turn off fleet popup windows