Patch 1.1.08 pour King Arthur II - The Role-playing Wargame
Légendes arthuriennes
11 juillet
Cela faisait longtemps que l'on en avait pas eu, mais voici un nouveau patch pour King Arthur II - The Role-playing Wargame. Ce patch 1.1.08 corrige notamment quelques bugs et des soucis dans la localisation. Il se télécharge et s'installe automatiquement via la plateforme Steam.
Changelog 1.1.08 :
- Fixed an issue of unit levels at Military Training
- Quests don’t spawn on armies anymore
- Fixed display bug at the final Objectives
- Fixed Minimap issue of Victory Locations in certain battles
- Sir Lancelot's Grail Shard fixed
- Retroactively fixed an issue with earlier saves being stuck regarding late-game Objectives
- Fixed issue of forged set items (recipe)
- Beast Master” skill fixed
- "Respected” trait fixed
- Fixed recipes lacking components – missing components added to the Campaign
- Fixed path finding on the Campaign map – clearly seen if a location is reachable on ground or Teleport required
- Hero requirement at battle quests fixed
- Fixed the tooltip of Spellpower at the Military panel
- “Beastmaster” trait boosts the Lair locations in the province of the liege lord from now on
- Several issues fixed at the Spanish, French, Russian and German localized versions
- Other minor bug and balancing fixes