Patch 0.910 pour Caribbean!
17 octobre 2014 par Aymdef | Caribbean! | La piraterie | PC
Le patch d'octobre de Caribbean! sort aujourd'hui avec divers améliorations importantes notamment l'IA ennemie ainsi que son lot de corrections de bugs.
Vous trouverez la liste des modifications ainsi que la vidéo consacrée à cette mise à jour ci-dessous.
– Added new options for controlling armies in land battles. NB: Before battle starts, players have 60 seconds to place their troops. To access the battle planning interface, press ‘Backspace’ button.
– Added new boarding location – frigate.
– Improved AI for enemy armies.
– Added 3D icons for available actions at boarding scenes.
– Changed balance for crew sizes during boarding.
– Gunners are now divided by their nationality. They also have a personal weapon and ability to fight in close range.
– Added assault cavalry units.
– Changed balance for player’s starting army.
– Added separation of all single-type troops by squads in land battles.
– Removed items purchase from village elders that caused an error earlier.
– Fixed a bug with sudden ships sinking after battle start.
– Fixed a bug with incorrect additions to ship crews.
– Fixed balance and bugs in ‘Old Jorge’ quest.
– Fixed a bug that prevented ships repair in the sea.
– Fixed a bug with smoke caused by shooting with some weapons.
– Fixed a bug with long-barreled guns which AI tried to use as shields earlier.
– Fixed a graphical artifact in the launcher.
– Fixed a bug with moving sailors from other ships to flagship.
– Fixed a bug with ships display after its purchase in the harbor.
– Fixed a bug that prevented hiring troops in captured towns.
– Fixed polygon errors in officer armor sets.
– Fixed a bug with ships HP after being upgraded.
– Fixed a bug with ships hull HP.
– Fixed bugs in global map’s physics.