Supreme Ruler 1936 sortira le 9 mai
14 mars 2014 par Aymdef | Supreme Ruler | Époque contemporaine - Deuxième guerre mondiale | PC - Macintosh
Alors que la campagne Kickstarter avait été un échec, le Steam Access a quant à lui était un succès. Les développeurs de Battlegoat Studios sont ravis d'annoncer que Supreme Ruler 1936 sortira le 9 mai prochain, comme nous pouvons l'apprendre sur Strategy Informer.
Ainsi, David Thompson, Lead Designer et Co-fondateur de BattleGoat révèle à ce sujet : "We love Early Access! The feedback from players that have participated has been great for both testing the game and making changes to better the gameplay experience. In the three months since we released the Early Access, we've pushed nine updates and we expect this rate to continue right up until our official release." et poursuit : "The Early Access sales have been above expectations and this has given us the freedom to incorporate some new ideas and to improve the historical content of the campaigns."