Bande son de Stronghold Crusader 2

20 mai 2014 par Aymdef | Stronghold | Moyen-âge - Les Croisades | PC

Alors que la date de sortie sera officiellement dévoilée la semaine prochaine, FireFly Studios propose aujourd'hui une vidéo mettant en valeur l'univers musical de Stronghold Crusader 2 composé par Robert Euvino.

Le compositeur du premier jeu de la série déclara à cette occasion :

"Sitting down to compose for Crusader 2 has been both gratifying and daunting. Thankfully the music from the first game was generally well received, but this reception presented me with its own challenges. Trying to stylistically complement what worked in the past while exploring new sounds and sometimes brutally twisting genres always comes with risk. Not content simply repeating myself, the soundtrack for Crusader 2 has turned into quite an amalgam of styles. Ethereal mood music as well as orchestral arrangement are aplenty, but players will also be treated to some edgy, grittier tracks that really raise blood pressure during the more intense moments of gameplay. Of course the most popular tracks from the original game will be included, so hopefully there is at least something to please most. Purists of classic Middle Eastern styles will surely roll their eyes and balk at all the rules I've shamelessly broken, but the aim was to make something imminently listenable and fresh while always supporting the game. Time will tell if I've succeeded. Thank you so much for the past support, and happy gaming!".