Patch 1.13 pour Panzer Corps
27 février 2013 par Aymdef | Panzer Corps | Deuxième guerre mondiale - Front de l'Ouest | PC
En sus de la sortie de Grand Campaign '45 West, il est également à noter la sortie du patch 1.13 pour Panzer Corps qui comprend notamment des améliorations dans l'interface et des contrôles ainsi que des nouvelles possibilités pour le modding.
Ce patch se télécharge soit en vous rendant sur "Check for update" dans le menu du jeu, ou bien en vous rendant sur l'un de ces liens : lien 1, lien 2, lien 3.
Patchnote 1.13 :
• Tileset
o Mud/snow versions of ports are updated to match dry version
o Fixed jungle tiles showing as clear (in British India scenario)
o Other minor fixes
• Equipment file
o New units added: V1 Flying Bomb, V2 Rocket, Go-229 Flying Wing Fighter,
Arado E-555 Strategic Bomber, Arado Ar-234 Tactical Bomber
o Adjusted costs of Sahariana and Chevy recon units
• UI and controls
o Minor adjustments in turn splash screen: scenario name is added to information
shown; more screen space is used for victory conditions
o Number of units in reserve is now shown as N+B, where N is the number of
normal units, and B is the number of bonus units.
o Prestige tooltip in the main UI now includes per-turn prestige bonus.
o Unit's battle history now includes unit upgrades.
o It is now possible to deploy paratroopers in the air or on the ground, using the ground/air switch.
o Actual ground state is now shown during deploy phase.
o When both movement and attack is possible to a certain hex, the player can now choose movement or attack using ground/air switch.
o On scenario result screen Enter now means "proceed" and "Esc means "view battlefield".
o Once spotted, immobile structures remain spotted on the map even if there are no units spotting them (like minefields).
o Sort order in the unit list is tweaked: now SE units are always shown after "normal" units.
o Added hotkey for Switch: W
o On briefing/debriefing screen Enter can be used to close the screen (except when there is a choice of the next scenario).
o In the scenario result screen Decisive victory, marginal victory and Loss now use different images.
o The game no longer counts carriers when calculating dangerous hexes for strategic bombers.
• Modding
o Weather action now includes sandstorms.
o It is now possible to add new custom movement types.
o Prestige condition added (via Map condition, choose "Axis prestige" or "Allied prestige" from the list)
o New unit traits: "camo" (unit is hard to spot, like a minefield), "captureflag" (inverts predefined class ability to capture flags: infantry/tank/recon/AT lose it, other classes gain it), "kamikaze" (unit dies after attack), "missile" (air unit does not refuel on friendly airfields)
o Added "dice chess" cheat. Similar to "chess", but there is a certain limited randomization of combat results (unit's chance to hit and suppress can vary +-20% from its normal value).
o German localization of Africa campaign is included with this update.
o Added german Manual to german localization.
o Replaced russian Editor manual doc with pdf.
o Fixed the issue with ground units sometimes deploying on the water without transports.
o Various small fixes in russian localization.