Patch 1.06.19 pour Gary Grigsby’s War in the East
31 octobre 2012 par Aymdef | Gary Grigsby’s War in the East | Deuxième guerre mondiale - Front de l'Est | PC
Un nouveau patch vient d'être mis en ligne pour le wargame Gary Grigsby’s War in the East de 2by3 Games, sorti en décembre 2010. Cette mise à jour toujours bienvenue, propose en outre des corrections de bugs, des améliorations pour les scénarios, de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des équilibrages.
Les unités italiennes, par exemple, ne combatteront plus, ni ne seront produites, sur le front de l'Est à partir du 1er août 1943, puisqu'il est supposé que les Italiens se concentrent essentiellement sur le front de l'Ouest à partir de cette date.
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Patchnote 1.06.19 :
New Features and Rule Changes
- Rule change - All Italian units will be removed from the map by August 1, 1943 and Italian production will cease on August 1, 1943. It is assumed that all Italian production is thereafter focused on the Western Front.
- Formula change - Changed the amount of Hiwis generated each turn from captured Manpower centers from 10 to 3. This was done to counteract the impact of a bug fix involving Hiwi generation. Also, it should be noted that manpower generation from cities is reduced by the percentage of German production that is being sent to the Western Front.
- Interface Change – The CV values shown on counters of units that include ski units will now reflect the modified CV value of the ski units, when they are in snow or blizzard hexes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Hiwi generation was being inversely impacted by damage to manpower centers (i.e. the more damage to manpower centers, the more Hiwis generated).
- Fixed a bug where off-map cities could be destroyed by movement along the edge of the map.
- Fixed a bug where the AI was changing the status of some human controlled from refit to ready.
Data and Scenario Changes
- OBs 42a Guards Rifle Corps (OB 395) and the 42b Guards Rifle Corps (OB 199) have been expanded to consist of five (5) rather than four (4) Guards rifle brigades. This corresponds to the expansion that was previously done to the regular early war Rifle Corps.