Magna Mundi annulé
C'est une bien triste nouvelle que nous apprenons aujourd'hui, en effet le jeu de stratégie Magna Mundi, qui devait sortir cette année, ne verra pas le jour.
Paradox Interactive, qui en était l'éditeur, en a décidé ainsi, non pas à cause d'un manque d'argents, comme c'est souvent le cas dans la période actuelle, mais à cause du manque de progrès qu'ils ont observé sur le développement du jeu, de la présence de nombreux problèmes encore sur le jeu et du peu de confiance qu'ils avaient envers l'équipe du studio Universo Virtual.
Au moins, cela mérite d'être clair, précis et honnête.
Hi all,
Today Paradox Interactive decided to cancel Magna Mundi. It will not see the light of day under the current set up: Universo Virtual (UV) will not be part of this project any more.
The reasons for cancelling the contract with Universo Virtual include the following:
- Lack of progress; we have seen this project drag on and the code we have gotten has not shown significant improvement for many months. Some old and known problems persists and new ones appear with each delivery.
- Lack of trust; the leadership of UV has given a sunshine version of the project to Paradox and reacted with irritation and anger when we have pointed out obvious problems with the deliveries. It has come to a point where they claim the project is done, and the game is ready for release – despite the many critical issues found and reported on our end.
- Internal strife within the MM team; we have gotten information from members within the MM team desperate to save the project whom report to us that the project lacks active leadership. Key personnel in the project see what Paradox sees but instead gets silenced by the UV leadership.
All in all, these are not circumstances under which we can work with a team and it will now stop. At this point we have no more news than the above.
Sincerely and regretfully,
Mattias Lilja
Executive Producer for Magna Mundi
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