Patch 1.02 pour Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict GOLD
Fury Software vient de mettre en ligne un deuxième patch pour Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict GOLD, l'extension pour le jeu de stratégie au tour par tour Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict.
Ce patch 1.02 inclut des améliorations du gameplay, des corrections de bugs et des optimisations à la fois du moteur du jeu et de l'éditeur. Cette mise à jour a été préparé en collaboration avec la communauté. Elle inclu également un nouveau scénario intitulé "1942 Brute Force" ainsi qu'une carte alternative de l'Europe et du Pacifique pour la campagne de 1942-45.
Changelog du patch 1.02
- fixed a rare combat error when left clicking to attack a unit
- fixed a swap unit error for 3D Paratroops that had the unit change into a Transport icon (K Man)
- fixed a freeze error during AI land unit reorganization (Bengerman)
- fixed a PURCHASE UNIT dialog text display error (Dan)
- fixed a swap unit movement error that allowed Rail units to swap to non-rail tiles (Preusse)
- fixed a multiple unit HQ attachment error (The K Man)
- fixed a swap unit error that allowed units to swap with enemy units in very rare instances (Clausewitz)
- fixed a Network TCP/IP FoW error that revealed enemy unit positions when the map is fully zoomed out (fokohilo)
- fixed a replay animation display error for when the map is full zoomed out (acrashb)
- fixed a swap unit error that allowed you to swap with invalid units such as those that have already moved or Engineers that are fortifying (Winti)
- fixed an animate replay error for TERRITORY events (Falk)
- fixed an estimated combat display error for when Bombers were targetting cities with a unit on top (Armuss)
- fixed an AI research investment bug (Armuss)
- fixed a Carrier recon bug that allowed Carriers to attack hidden non-belligerent units (Strategiclayabout)
- fixed an intercept range highlight error (Strategiclayabout)
- fixed a Partisan unit movement error where the AI did not use Partisans to capture available resources (Armuss)
- fixed an air unit reorganization error that caused air units to reorganize to 0 supply tiles (Al)
- fixed a naval retreat error that caused naval units to retreat to ports with enemy units adjacent to them (Armuss)
- fixed a naval unit combat calculation error that caused a CTD (Bill R.)
- fixed a Paratroop movement animation error that caused a CTD (Gaston)
- fixed an Engineer fortification completion error that caused a CTD when the fortification was built in a 'frozen' zone on the map (Gaston)
- fixed a unit 'Upgrade' calculation error for HQs (Armuss)
- fixed a maximum unit entrenchment error (Strategiclayabout)
- fixed a war map display error that would show the war map incorrectly when using the map zoom features in full screen mode (Winti, Lettowvorbeck)
- fixed a resource flag display error that would show the war map incorrectly when using the map zoom features in full screen mode (Winti)
- fixed an ARMISTICE script error that would cause friendly units to incorrectly leave friendly ports (xwormwood)
- fixed a war map display error that would show the war map incorrectly when using the map zoom features in full screen mode (Winti, Lettowvorbeck)
- fixed a resource flag display error that would show the war map incorrectly when using the map zoom features in full screen mode (Winti)
- fixed an ARMISTICE script error that would cause friendly units to incorrectly leave friendly ports (xwormwood)
- fixed a unit retreat error that allowed retreats into countries that are not fully mobilized (Bryan)
- added a 'Pause' option during E-Mail game replays (Baron)
- recon spotting will now eliminate raider units shown with a '?' if they are no longer at the indicated location (xwormwood)
- 'L' Hotkey no longer removes the last turn summaries from memory as this information can now be re-accessed until the end of the turn (Templer)
1939 World At War
- fixed a PARTISAN script error that incorrectly showed German Partisans when the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is not agreed to (Armuss)
- fixed several RESEARCH and PURCHASE unit script errors (Armuss)
- Polish Corps in Warsaw now starts at Entrenchment value 2 (Abukede)
- removed the at start Motorization chit for the UK and Germany (Armuss)
- set Japan to Level-0 Motorization
- Chinese, Japanese Tanks lowered to SD/TD of 3/4
- all Tanks are set to a build cost of 250 MPP (Armuss)
- all Special Forces are set to a build cost of 185 MPP (Armuss)
- lowered Garrison build cost to 60 MPP (Armuss)
- removed the Motorization AI RESEARCH events for UK and Germany (Armuss)
- increased Chinese MPPs by 10 MPPs per turn
- changed Blagovyeshchensk, Krasnoyarsk and Omsk to cities (Winti)
- removed the Soviet mine near Novosibirsk
- added Kuybyshev to the Urals Industry RESOURCE event
- adjusted the Chinese river of Hwang Ho to flow through tile 152,20
- removed the Ukranian mine at 99,17 from the trigger conditions for Urals Industry event and replaced it with a trigger at Voronezh
- French morale increased by 5000 points
- French morale will now fall by 5000 points once Paris is captured
- failure to deploy 2 British units within 3 tiles of Paris or 1 tile of the Ardennes mine will cause French National Morale to suffer when 2 or more German units are within either area. This reduction is by 1,000 points per Allied turn in Multiplayer and against the Axis AI, by 600 points when playing against the Allied AI (Ivanov).
- the presence of 5 or more British units within 5 tiles of Paris will boost French National Morale by 250 points per Allied turn, providing 2 or more German units are within either area. - note that the units have to be either within 3 tiles of Paris or within 1 tile of the Ardennes mine to count, i.e. one unit north east of Paris and another east of Nancy won't count, whereas two units in either location would.
- added many new National Morale positions on the map as well as events
- UK
- The Fall of Singapore = -5,000 & STRENGTH - range of 25 tiles of Singapore
- The USA enters the war = +5,000
- The Fall of Guam = -1,000
- The Fall of Wake = -1,000
- The Fall of Manila = -2,500
- The Fall of Leningrad = -2,500 (was -1,500)
- The Fall of Stalingrad = -2,500 (was -1,500)
- The Fall of Moscow = -2,500
- The USSR enters the war = -10,000 & STRENGTH - range of 15 tiles of Moscow
- The USA enters the war = +5,000
- Germany
- The Fall of Paris = +2,500 (was +500)
- The Fall of Stalingrad = +2,500
- The Fall of Leningrad = +2,500
- The USA enters the war = -5,000
- Italy
- Starting NM raised from 15,000 to 20,000
- The USA enters the war = -5,000
- Japan
- The Capture of Hawaii = +5,000
- The Capture of Singapore = +5,000
- The Capture of Batavia = +2,500
- The Capture of Guam = +500
- The Capture of Wake = +500
- The Capture of Manila = +2,500
- The Capture of Port Moresby = +1,000
- The Capture of Kukum = +1,000
- The Capture of Canberra = +2,500
- The Oil Embargo = -500/turn
1939 Alliance of Evil
- Japan is now cooperative sharing supply only (Sapare)
- China is now fully cooperative (Sapare)
- various AI script improvements (Sapare)
1942 Axis High Tide
- removed Chennault and the 14th Air Force from the 1942 (xwormwood)
Brute Force
- many campaign updates, see subdirectory file 'Beta Notes.txt'