Patch 1.14 pour Commander : The Great War
22 décembre 2012 par Aymdef | Commander | Première guerre mondiale | PC
Le patch 1.14 vient d'être mis en ligne pour le sympathique wargame Commander : The Great War. Celui-ci apporte une foule de corrections, d'améliorations et d'ajouts afin d'améliorer votre expérience de jeu. L'IA a également été améliorée pour vous offrir plus de challenges.
Pour mettre à jour, veuillez cliquer dans le menu du jeu sur "Check for Update" ou bien vous rendre sur le site officiel de Matrix Games pour télécharger directement le jeu :
Patchnote 1.14 :
Bug Fixes:
- Spelling fixes
- Tsaritsyn city location fixed (behind Volga)
- Easiest AI (handicapped) will now correctly receive penalty instead of bonus!
- Can no longer detach enemy commanders
- Map terrain & railroad fixes
- Can no longer swap armored trains to hexes without a railroad
- “At War” Commander requirement no longer checked if nation is still neutral.
- Evert (Russian Commander) bonus changed to reflect his description.
- Calculation of remaining turns for technologies displayed in research tab fixed.
- Fixed Italy surrenders message
- Fixed Russian/Greek Cyrillic installation bug
- Fixed Airships inability to attack revealed submarines
- German counter color changed (darker) to differ more from Russians
- Convoy kills are counted as naval kills (in stats & Commander requirements)
- Combat penalty for amphibious attacks decreased.
- 1915 Scenario: Entente AI will attempt Gallipoli invasions.
- Early submarines deal less damage to convoys.
- Anti-sub upgrades rebalanced.
- Battleship cost reduction, naval unit upkeep reduced.
- Improved opening moves for Austria-Hungary AI, emphasizing on outflanking attempt
- German AI now pushes harder in France.
- Central Powers AI builds more subs.
- AI defends the USA and Britain better if these are the only surviving nations.
- Morale penalty for disbanding a Battleship + event message.
- Capture events for Rome, Milan, Madrid, Sofia & Washington
- Several events for Greece”s part in the war.