Patch 1.150 pour Mount and Blade : Warband

El Presidente
18 avril

C'est demain que sortira Napoleonic Wars, le DLC de Mount and Blade : Warband, et TaleWorlds Entertainment en profite pour sortir un nouveau patch qui se concentre plus particulièrement sur le multijoueur. Ce patch s'est normalement automatiquement installé via votre client Steam.

Patch note de la version 1.150 :

  • In multiplayer, Khergit troop stats have been rebalanced to make them more viable
  • Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200
  • Usernames in multiplayer games can now have special characters
  • Random rain and fog amounts have been removed in multiplayer. All players now see the same weather
  • Lots of new operations, flags and trigger types have been added for the benefit of modders
  • New parameters have been added to module.ini for modders, including new order system usage and crouching
  • Support for game controllers has been improved
  • Troop AI for selecting alternative weapon mode has been added
  • Troop AI blunt weapon usage has been fixed
  • Troop AI for distant targeting has been fixed
  • In multiplayer server filtering, "Compatible with version" checkbox has been renamed as "Compatible with module" and now it checks for both module and its version
  • Core resource files and shader files have been made modifiable
  • Face generator system now supports multiple meshes to apply deforms
  • Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds
  • Playing sounds from hard drive option has been added for module system
  • Memory usage for resources and navigation meshes have been reduced
  • Network data priority values have been updated
  • Several crash-to-desktop bug fixes
  • Minor translation fixes
  • Various other bug fixes