Annulation de East vs. West : A Hearts of Iron Game

7 mars 2014 par Aymdef | Hearts of Iron | La guerre Froide | PC

Cela était à craindre vu le peu de nouvelles, le développement par DB Logic d'East vs. West : A Hearts of Iron Game a malheureusement été annulé par Paradox Interactive.

Alors que l'espoir était revenu en juin dernier avec l'ouverture d'un site officiel (voir la news), il semble que le retard pris dans le développement du jeu de stratégie ait eu raison de lui, comme il a été annoncé sur le forum de Paradox Interactive :

Today it's our sad duty to inform you that it has been decided to cancel the game "East vs West". We at Paradox Interactive have the utmost respect for BL Logic and this is not a decision that has been taken lightly—quite the contrary—but ultimately we are a publisher and our actions and decisions must reflect that.

As the project has been severly delayed we dont think that open beta / early acccess could, within our desired timeline, meet the set criteria.

It has been a journey of ups and downs since we started the development of East Vs West back in May 2011. We wish each other nothing but the best with future endeavors.

We also would like to thank the developers for their hard work and their tremendous effort, as well as the fans for their long term commitment and their never ending support.

Yours sincerely
Fredrik Wester, Lennart Berg, Gellert Keresztes

East vs. West : A Hearts of Iron Game s'ajoute à Magna Mundi et Salem dans la liste des jeux qui ne verront pas le jour chez Paradox Interactive ou qui ne verront pas le jour tout simplement. Requiescat in pace...